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8 october 2008 : Maven support

Releases of Hibernate4GWT are now available on Maven Repository. 

To use hibernet4gwt with maven you just have to add this repository 
and this to your dependency list 

Many, many, many thanks to Jens Meiß for its wonderful (and so fast) work on this topic !

23 September 2008: Maintenance release 1.1.1

This maintenance release of Hibernate4GWT solves half a dozen bugs, such as :
  • Improved selection algorithm for clone operation 
  • Clone and merge arrays handling
  • Fields with private getters were not cloned nor merged
  • Association of ProxyClassLoader to each working thread
  • Inherited classes where not properly cloned and merged in dynamic proxy and DTO modes
  • Class cast exception with collections/maps and bi-directional associations
  • Keep ordered collections for clone and merge
The complet list of fixes is available in distribution Release Notes.

Last but not the least, hibernate4gwt now supports Maven and will be available in Maven Repository as soon as distribution on SourceForge. Many thanks to Jens Meiss : he made a wonderful work on this topic, and works faster than me ;-) 

Important notes :
  • the proxy generator is not enabled by default, so 'dynamic proxy' users must now declare them in their project gwt.xml file (see relevant'Getting Started' for example)
  • This release is built on an unofficial beanlib version (from the Beanlib SVN trunk), so you should use the 'beanlib3.3beta20b.jar' included in 'lib' directory of hibernate4gwt distribution

21 June 2008 :Hibernate4GWT 1.1

This new release of Hibernate4GWT adds some improvements, such as
  • Supports UserType 
  • Supports wrapping objets (ie non persistent instance embedding persistent ones).
  • Dynamic proxy code externalisation
It also solves bugs from previous 1.0.4 release, such as merge error after modifying an association on client side, or map merge.

I started a heavy refactoring of the library, so a migration step is needed, which is detailed in the FAQ section.

At last, this release is fully compatible with both GWT 1.4 and 1.5, and use the last BeanLib version, which also fix some issues.

Migration guide :
  • gwt.xml : TODO 
  • dynamic proxy : add ProxyClassMapper
  • Stateless mode : replace LazyGwtPojo inheritance by net.sf.hibernate4gwt.core.pojo.java14.LazyPojo (or the equivalent java5 class) and adds the Serializable interface implementation
  • TODO exemple

1 June 2008 : GWT 1.5 RC1 support

A new release for GWT 1.5 Release Candidate, that removes Java SQL Dates support, now included in the Java Runtime Emulation.

24 March 2008 : GWT 1.5 M1 support

Here is the hibernate4gwt  update to support the first milestone of GWT 1.5 !
With it, it is now possible to seamlessly send annotated EJB entities to the GWT, without need of DTO !
Note that for reasons explained here, hibernate4gwt is still needed if you want to send your entities to the GWT client side...

8 March 2008 : A new maintenance release

This solves some important issues (especially on merge) and adds an extended support to Hibernate mappings (see Release notes for details)

I would like to thanks Chris Harris and Andreas Knees that bring a lot of these issues to my attention, for their patience, the tests and their faith in Hibernate4GWT ;-)

11 January 2008 : Murphy's law strikes :-(

A critical bug on collection merge was found to day of the publication of release 1.0.2 
Hopefully, it is now corrected and available as a new release (1.0.3). 
Sorry for the inconvenience.

9 January 2008 : Maintenance release for GWT-SL, sample applications and FAQ...

A new release (1.0.2) is now available. It corrects a ClassLoader issue for GWT-SL(Spring)  integration, and the patch submitted by Norman Maurer for ExplicitCloneMapper.

Furthermore, a sample application is now available for each hibernate4gwt configuration (stateless, stateful, Java5 and dynamic proxy). It can be used as a pattern for a new project, or to see "how it works"...

Finally, I wrote a small FAQ for commonly asked questions I used to answer on the library forum or the official GWT one. 

Copyright 2008. All Rights Reserved
 Last updated : 23 September, 2008