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I would like to thanks some people that helped me to achieved this small piece of code :

  • The authors of BeanLib, for the wonderful work on their library and the quick answers on the forum,
  • For showing me GWT : Matthieu Guyonnet-Duluc, Sami Jaber and Nicolas Fonrose
  • People that help me making hibernate4gwt better :
    • Nnamdi Jibunoh for his help on the documentation of the library. 
    • Florian Siebert and Olaf Kock for their code contribution on class mapper
    • Chris Harris, Maciej Matecki, Andreas Knees and François Goldgewitch for the tests
    • George Georgovassilis for the GWT-SL integration
  • And everybody that showed a little interest on my work, on the forum or by e-mail...
Leeloo, for her patience and her love when I work on the library during our week-ends or evenings.

Copyright 2007. All Rights Reserved
 Last updated : 12 June, 2008